Auto Accident Injury

An auto accident can change a life in the twinkling of an eye. One moment a person is driving along thinking about their destination. They are thinking of loved ones that they will see, the job they're going to, or a sporting event that they can't wait to attend. Then the unfortunate happens. Statistics show that 27% of auto accidents result in non-fatal injuries. A chiropractor can treat many auto accident injuries. 

Auto Accident Injury

Auto Injuries May Not Be Apparent Immediately

Immediately after an auto accident, most anyone would be shaken up severely and their adrenaline pumping at an elevated level. Adrenaline certainly has one feeling everything is ok. Still, when the adrenaline wears off, the pain begins to set in from injuries. 

Afterward, injuries and bruises appear, and some don't remember exactly when it happened during the accident. 

Common Auto Accident Injuries

Common auto accident injuries a chiropractor treats are head injuries, neck contusions, shoulder pain, upper back issues, and lower back discomfort, to name a few. 

If you're in Beaverton, OR, or the surrounding area, please contact us at the Holistic Health Clinic. We have the experience and expertise to help you manage your pain from an auto accident. 

After an auto accident, you may develop headache pain along with nausea, vomiting, pain behind your eyes, and light sensitivity. If so, it could be a migraine or tension headache. Whiplash and concussions are common after a wreck as well.  These cause headaches too, in addition to other symptoms such as:

  • Pressure and tightness in the forehead, sides of the head, and the back of the head
  • Dull pain feeling in the head and neck
  • Scalp and shoulder tenderness, especially in the top of the head

A chiropractor can give you the care you need for pain management and relief.

Another auto accident injury is damage to your upper and lower back. Injuries to the upper back can become immobilizing to a person because it's connected to the sternum on each side, forming the rib cage. If the upper back is painful, it can be a few reasons, including muscle strain or joint pain.

Lower back injuries after an auto accident also include muscle strains and tightness to the injured area and become very painful because of overuse or injury.

Chiropractic Care for Auto Injuries

Contact us today if you have experienced an auto accident injury and seek relief.  At the Holistic Health Clinic in Beaverton, OR, we can provide you with an excellent chiropractor to get you on the road to recovery. Call (503) 646-8575 today.


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