Lower Back Pain FAQs

FAQs about Lower Back Pain

Are you experiencing lower back pain? Do you have questions about why and how you can fix it? Our team at Holistic Health Clinic in Beaverton would like to provide some answers to these questions and more.


How common is lower back pain?

Around 80 percent of the American population has experienced lower back pain at some point in their lives. Lower back pain is one of the most common reasons behind healthcare visits. It’s also a leading cause of missed workdays.

What are the causes of lower back pain?

There are many reasons for lower back pain. They can be due to age, as the spinal structure begins to wear down over time. Weight and pregnancy can play roles as well since both add extra pressure to the joints and spinal discs. Poor posture, overuse injuries, spinal misalignment, nerve compression, and chronic issues, like scoliosis and osteoarthritis, are also contributing factors.

What are the effects of lower back pain?

Lower back pain can make daily life difficult. It can prevent you from standing straight, lead to stiffness and muscle spasms, cause numbness and weakness in the extremities, and more. Lower back pain can make it hard to work, sit, lie down comfortably, lift your kids, complete household tasks, and more. Sadly, if it’s not addressed, it will likely only worsen over time.

Can lower back pain be prevented?

You can’t necessarily avoid injuries and other unexpected issues, but there are steps you can take to prevent lower back pain and minimize your risk of injury. These include the following:

  • Keep at a healthy weight – The less weight your back has to support, the less chance you’ll have back pain.
  • Maintain proper posture – Be sure that you keep your shoulders rolled back and your spine in a neutral position as much as possible. If you sit at a desk, use ergonomics to your advantage.
  • Use proper lifting techniques – If you have a manual labor job, be sure that you use your knees for any lifting, not your back.
  • Strengthen your core – The stronger your core, the better support your spine has.

What can I do about lower back pain?

One of the best things you can do for lower back pain is to visit your chiropractor. We can help correct any structural issues in your spine as well as relieve tension, compression, and scar tissue. Additionally, we can provide strengthening and stretching exercises to help prevent and address pain – all through completely natural methods.

Get Rid of Lower Back Pain with Our Chiropractors in Beaverton, OR

Don’t let lower back pain keep you from living your life to the fullest. Schedule an appointment with Holistic Health Clinic by calling our team today at (503) 646-8575 or reach us through our website by using our online contact form.

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