Distinguishing Whiplash From Concussion

Whiplash injuries occur when the neck and head are rapidly whipped back and forth. These  typically occur in a car crash when you are sitting still at a stop in your car,  when you are suddenly jolted by a rear-end collision. Whether you have time to see the accident coming or not, you will likely be significantly jostled about. Your head and neck, which are a lot like a swivel, are going to jerk back and forth.

Whiplash injuries can take place from an impact in sports, a slip and fall, or whatever life throws at you that makes your neck move too fast. Whiplash is when the ligaments, muscles, and joints of the neck are stretched quicker than you can react.

The problem with whiplash: Whiplash hurts. The neck, shoulders, and upper back often become terribly stiff and painful afterwards. Recovery can often be slow, movements of the head on the neck can be severely limited. Activities of daily living like: cooking, cleaning, lifting groceries, sitting for extended periods, playing with your kids, turning your head to look over your shoulders while driving are going to be difficult. Getting a restful night’s sleep can be severely impacted. Keeping up with a workout routine, or performing a hobby like golf may be difficult to pursue due to pain. Pain in the neck is just one of the symptoms of whiplash. Whiplash can also have some unexpected symptoms.

Symptoms of whiplash

  • Neck pain
  • Shoulder and upper back pain
  • Headaches (often in the back of the head)
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness, vertigo, and balance issues
  • Brain fog and memory issues after an accident

Nausea, dizziness/vertigo, blurred vision, brain fog, persistent headache can follow a whiplash injury. If whiplash sounds a lot like concussion, it’s because it is a lot like concussion. Whiplash and concussion often go hand in hand. Disrupting the joints of the neck via whiplash is not good for your wellbeing. The muscles in your neck have a magnitude greater number of nerve receptors compared to other areas of the body.  This is because knowing where your head & neck is in space is critical for your whole body. When your neck is injured and the joints don’t move as well as they should, your nervous system will have to compensate to figure out where you are.

Symptoms can go on for a long time if not treated.  Injury can lead to poor adaptation and eventually become permanent.

The good news is, we at Holistic Health Clinic can help. Lowering the tension and inflammation in the neck is a good first step. Soft tissue massage, manual nerve release techniques help the affected muscles relax. Hot laser therapy can have a dramatic effect. Hot laser accelerates healing by improving microcirculation and stimulating anti-inflammatory processes. Helping the joints move better is crucial too. Skilled chiropractors adjust the joints of the neck, shoulders and thoracic spine to promote better movement.  Prescribed exercises can help you find ways to safely strengthen your neck and shoulders. Chiropractic care can correct poor adaptation to injuries. We have the tools and the expertise to help you recover from your whiplash injury.  We start with a thorough examination to determine what is causing your symptoms and determine a good plan for care to help you recover faster and more fully. At Holistic Health Clinic we take the time to get to know you and address your complaints and goals.  If you’ve had a whiplash injury, no matter how long ago, don’t suffer unduly any longer. 

Please contact us at Holistic Health Clinic today to get the help you need.

Written by. Dr Joseph Vance, DC, DACNB

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